Meetup recordings from Zephyr 101

Link to recordings from Zephyr 101 meetup of IoTPune at Espressif Pune. Amit Kucheria of mBedRock spoke about Zephyr in Products, followed by Anuj Deshpande's session on Zephyr's kernel components

Meetup recordings from Zephyr 101

This weekend we had an amazing IoTPune meetup at Espressif's office in Pune. Shoutout to Kedar Sovani from Espressif for hosting the meetup at their office!

Amit Kucheria from mbedrock talked us through why one ought to use Zephyr for building products using microcontrollers. mBedRock's cofounder Akshay Sharma was present as well, and he had brought a box full of their customer products that run Zephyr. The coolest one was hands down the Fundook rifle.

Recording below –

After Amit's talk, I spoke about the Zephyr kernel and some of the major components of it. The scheduler and the thread, and the different config options that one can have for these 2 were the topics that we probably spent the most time on. We also went over device drivers, SMP, data structures and some other topics

Recording below –

There were around 20-25 people in attendance and at the end of the session we loosely had a poll on what session to schedule next. Some ideas were

  • hands on with bluetooth on Zephyr
  • dissecting a complete product built using Zephyr
  • looking at some of the other subsystems of Zephyr

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