Weekly #15
Discussions around commercializing open source, making 2 wheelers out of 4 wheelers, versioning hardware, and a lot more this week at Makerville

Links, discussions and builds
- FreeCAD version 1 released!
- You can connect your Pico 2 to a USB to HDMI converter and make it a really fast data acquisition tool
- Omnifixo is a really nifty third hand for soldering
- Chinmay is printing some dope looking back panels for his Nothing Phone - Nothing has released the CAD models for that for people to hack on it!

- A LOT of discussion around open source, the new Prusa printer, and competition from China, low bed size, and more!
- Anool posted links to discussions from Hackaday's Discord and other places
- Akshay is okay to help with purchasing these printers (and other things like PineCil)
- Anycubic Kobra S1 has also been announced
- Chinmay gave a quick review of his BambuLabs onboarding experience - not super smooth, but no major issues either
- I designed a 2-liner OpenSCAD label for my Alkon Bull Bins - uses Comic Sans ofcourse.

- Flipping coins is academically interesting? - posted by Kali
- GhostWrite - an exploit at the hardware level! posted by Kali
- Mini robot kidnaps 12 other robots?! Posted by Anool
- Kali was wondering what was the process happening at 1:35 in this video of a plastic model manufacturing from Japan
- Alpha Folker thought it's some kind of EDM
- JT said it's spark erosion of semicircular notch in dielectric fluid.
- Dhiru got his home server setup to use his multiple ISP connections in tandem to help download large files faster
- might be fun to share home server configurations at the next conf?

- I did a quick build where I swapped out a cheap SMPS in my 10 port 5V USB power supply to a MeanWell 50W one - which fit very snugly in the original case.

- Chinmay posted a link to Russia's use of intercontinental ICBMs - which look a lot like Iron Man's Jericho missiles to me
- Discussion around where to get Seeed ESP32 boards led to some mild complaints about how boards and modules are named.
- I for one thing everyone should be made to use semver
- Looks like Anool went down a rabbit hole about Émile Leray and he's dragging us with him!

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Happy making!