Weekly #23
BambuLabs firmware updates, cheap oscilloscopes, and a lot more this week at Makerville!

Links and discussions
- Bambulabs is doing not so cool things with their authentication mechanism which impacts local control
- Josef Prusa's tweet
- Discussion on our telegram
- Chinmay posted a link to a nice multimeter probe holder
- JT posted a link to hardbreak.wiki - a great resource for hardware hacking
- Discussion on Intel's voltage bricking issue - Qualcomm needs the distribution of Espressif to lift us all out of x86 monopoly on our desktops/laptops
- Eclipsa Audio is a new collaborative effort for immersive audio
- Anool shared a link to an open source projection mapping tool
- Dalus.io is a new company which is building a tool to model complex systems - see discussion here
- US is banning Chinese tech in smart cars - discussion here
- If you love origami, check out this laptop stand made with a single sheet of paper
- A flipper zero app to create an STL of a key
- Seeed Studio launched new versions of their popular Xiao boards with more pinouts - and the boards are cleverly backwards compatible too! Discussion here
- Discussion initiated by Kali around a 2 layer DDR3 design here
- Suhas has thoughts on creating a parts inventory of Made in Inda things- chip in here
- An old discussion around charging a battery helped me bring back my motorcycle to life this weekend
- ISRO can now dock satellites in space!
- Gopalkrishna started a discussion around getting a DSO
- Dhawal from our community is a distributor of fnirsi - which are low cost, starter scopes!
- Akshar shared a link to a 38C3 video - hacking Apple's USB-C controller
- More discussions around experiences with PCB fabs in India
- I got Vayu Aerospace and Defence's 50 year anniversary edition! Loads of history packed in it!
- Discussion around Raspberry Pi's carbon removal credits that you can purchase
- Vishnu from Zerodrag answering some questions about their hardware here

JT thought that carbonizing the tracks with a laser might help bring such a circuit to life - and Anool had a sample "cooked" up

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Happy making!